before & after - master bathroom
I'm a sucker for before and after photos. Love them. Some of my favorite blogs feature how people take a completely hideous piece of furniture and transform it into something truly divine. I also love seeing houses transformed - we are living in our third house, and all three have needed a little TLC. I enjoy the process, so as I SLOWLY make changes in our humble abode, I figured I'd have some fun and post our progress.
Here's our master bathroom before:this is the original vanity from the 1950s - we could stand on either side of it and look at each other directly while we brushed our teeth. A little creepy. And the vanity took up too much space in an otherwise small bathroom. It had to go.
So here's the master bathroom sans vanity:We put in a demure (less than 24 inches across) pedestal sink. But then we decided what this bathroom really needed was some paint.
Voila! the after pic:
It is a lovely shade of chocolate brown now - very rich and dramatic. Generally speaking I am afraid of dramatic and/or colorful in my home - I stick to neutrals and simple lines/pieces. So for me to choose a paint color like this was a big step out of my comfort zone. And while it's really really dark at night without any sunlight coming in, I dig it.
PS this is the cleanest our bathroom has been in a while - now that the paint is done it's on to shelving/organization. Good thing you can't see the rest of the bathroom in this photo...
What people can't see, they don't need to be concerned with. For all we know, your bathroom is clean like this all the time. The beauty of blogs.
It looks great!
looks great. our bathroom is a similar color scheme, with chocolate brown walls and while subway tile. the brown is great as a backdrop for art work, especially photographs. hooray for color!
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